Hi, I'm Linh Nguyen

I am a Software Developer living in Helsinki, Finland. You will find more about me in this portfolio.

About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Khanh Linh Nguyen


I am currently a master student in Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Aalto University with a background in Environmental Engineering. Since deciding to switch my major and turning my interest into a career, I have been writing code that powers websites and applications. I have a huge thirst for learning new skills, and I strive to continue challenging myself. If you would like to get to know me better, then let's grab a coffee and have a chat.


Roima Intelligence

Java Fullstack Developer

January 2022 - present

• Warehouse Managament Software Service
💡 Technologies: Java, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, MongoDB, Vaadin, SpringBoot, microservices, MongoDB


Cloud Data Networking Developer Intern

December 2020 - December 2021

• Cloud development and data networking
💡 Technologies: Java, PostgreSQL, Hibernate

FPT Software

On-job-training Java Developer

April 2020 - June 2020

• Maintained and developed backend services for client’s web applications
• Improved and updated front-end features
💡 Technologies: J2EE (Weblogic), Hibernate, Spring MVC, JSP, HTML, XML, CSS, Oracle

My Work

Check out some of my projects!

Yummy Recipes

Yummy Recipes is a vanilla JavaScript application that interacts with the forkify API to fetch and display recipe food data. This app uses modern JavaScript tools, such as Webpack to bundle the modules, and Babel to convert ES6, ES7 and ES8 back to ES5. The user can search for a specific recipe, and add ingredients to a shopping list or save to a favourites list via local storage.


Source Code

Worm Game

The popular Worm Game built solely with Java Core. Download the JAR file to experience this classic game on a classic UI!


Source Code

News Site

Comprehensive up-to-date news, aggregated from different sources by search keyword. API news achieved from Google News. Developed using Java, JSoup, MySQL.

Source Code

Budget App

The user can categorise receipts and monitor the current budget available. Receipts can also be edited and deleted by the user.


Source Code

Contact Me

Let's get in touch!